Saturday, January 02, 2010

First Near Miss of 2010

Conversation with my husband this evening:

Me (while loading the washer): "I think I'm going to take off these pants that I'm wearing and wash them in this batch. "
Husband: "Hey, can you wash mine too?"
Both of us take off our pants and throw them in the washer that is located by our entry hall.
One minute later...
Doorbell: "Ding Dong....."

(You will be happy to know that my husband answered it while peeking around the door frame. :) That was a wise move considering it was a neighbor...)


Christina said...


Looney said...

I am always suspicious of people who answer the door and peek around it!

Inklings said...

I wouldn't have answered the door. :0)

Nene said...

OK, my mind was going in another direction when I started reading this. I thought you were going to say that you walked out of the laundry room together (pantsless) and your kids wondered what you had been doing in there. :0)

Inklings said...

That was my first thought too, Nene. :0)

Ramana Rajgopaul said...

Delirious, I wish that I can send you a joke on this very subject.