Let me begin by saying that I believe Michael Savage to be a sort of modern day prophet. He is one of the few media personalities who really understand the values this country was founded upon. He is one of the few who understands what our founding fathers had in mind. I think even he would admit that at times he gets a little rabid in expressing his views, but if people take the time to truly listen to what he has to say, they will become fans. I think listening to him is, for me, much like watching a movie on television. Bad language might creep in to the movie, but I try to ignore that part and just get in to the story. So too, Michael Savage might get a little overheated in how he states his opinion, but the theme he is following is important.
Today when I was listening to his show, I heard him announce that Great Britain has banned him from their country because they believe he promotes hate. Now let me explain this clearly: He hasn't actually done anything to hurt anyone. He hasn't led troops of army to slaughter innocent people. He hasn't stolen government secrets and sold to enemies. What the government of Great Britain is accusing him of is a hate crime, or a thought crime. Simply because he speaks his opinion, he is viewed as a criminal.
Pres. Obama seems to be on the bandwagon with this type of accusation. He wants to make it illegal to even talk publicly about disapproval of any minority. He wants to pass a "hate crime" bill. I don't know how you feel about that, but I think that is a very scary bill. Can you see how it destroys freedom of speech? So basically, a pastor could not get up in front of his congregation and say the words, "Homosexuality is against God's commandments." And now, with Great Britain's announcement, we find that not only will we not be able to speak out against what we view as immoral, but we also won't be able to speak out about political views that are contrary to the ruling party.
I have a friend who has lived in California all her life. She has very predjudiced views about other parts of the country. She believes that all people in the south are predjudiced skin-heads. She believes that all farmers in the midwest slaughter animals indiscriminantly. But the fact of the matter is, she has never lived anywhere besides California, so how could she know what the south is like? She has never been to the midwest, so how can she know what the farmers are like? She thinks all organized religion is horrible. But frankly, she hasn't attended church for many years, so how could she know? My point in all of this is, if you think that Michael Savage is a threat to the world, can you honestly say that you have listened to what he has to say? I think those who oppose him either haven't listened, or don't like that he is influencing people to turn against the current tide of socialism. And if they silence him today, who will be next tomorrow?
I don't know who this cat is. But after listening to the right wing, "right" thinking people on most radio talk shows, theres a bad ringing in my ears. And there are already hate crime laws in place, and if it wasn't illegle to begin with, Don Imus, and John Rocker should get there jobs back.
I think he is annoying...although some of the things he says are valid points...I don't listen to him though...
Hate laws are sadly I think a necessary evil as some people seem to be unable to distinguish between rational debae and inciting hatred.
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