Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cry Until You Laugh

So I've told you before how much my husband dislikes his assignment to ask people to speak in church on Sunday. To me, this is the least difficult of the tasks he has to do in his current calling, but for him, it is a giant hurdle. He has this assignment for 6 months, and for the other 6 months he is in charge of helping the financial clerk count the offerings that were given that day, and deposit them in the bank. He said he would gladly do that assignment all year if he could get out of the task of assigning talks. I personally think he has psyched himself out, but whatever the reason, it gives him a lot of stress.

Last weekend we were gone, so he got a little bit of a late start asking for speakers this week. Monday night he called someone and they said they would speak. But on Saturday, they called to say they were sick, and couldn't speak. Most people don't like less than 2 weeks notice. I'm not sure why, because it only takes an hour or so to prepare a talk. Maybe they have to psyche themselves in to speaking, I don't know. But to have to find a replacement speaker the day before is VERY difficult! He was really stressing about it, but got an idea of someone who might be willing to speak on such short notice. He called, and they accepted!

On Saturday night, he got a call from that person. There were some unexpected problems, and they weren't going to be able to speak after all. Now the stress REALLY began to build up in my husband. I said, "Maybe we are being punished for wanting to get away last weekend. Were we being too much like Jonah?" ;) He said, "How much worse could things get?"

He picked up the phone to call the next person he had in mind. The batteries were low. So he picked up the second phone. It's batteries were low too. There I stood, the only person in the world who really understood his pain. And what did I do? I laughed like an idiot!

I'm not sure how this next part happened, but on his way to look up the phone number of the person he wanted to ask to speak, there was a thump, and I heard him say something like "Oh great!" He had knocked over a large bin of flour that I store under the counter. You know how sometimes you get in a laughing mood and then everything is funny? I couldn't help myself. As things turned worse and worse, I had to laugh.

Next I heard him groan in pain. I looked up to see that he had stubbed his toe! LOL Am I going to rot in hell? Because all I could do was laugh harder.

You will be happy to know that the person he called accepted the invitation to speak on last minute notice. And you will be happy to know that he didn't even get mad at me for laughing. :D


Inklings said...

I hate asking anyone to do anything, so I totally get his point.

Looney said...

That makes me thankful I don't have too many responsibilities at the moment.

Nene said...

I feel his pain, I absolutely hate to call anyone and ask them to do anything! We'll come visit you in hell for laughing at your poor husband! :0)

Lindsay Logic said...

I would've laughed, too! :)

Ramana Rajgopaul said...

I am like you and will laugh at anything. My late wife used to get quite cheesed off for a while and then would laugh too.

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