Friday, November 05, 2010

Name Retardation

I openly confess that I am "name retarded" (sorry to those who find this term socially incorrect :P) There is a woman at church that I decided to befriend. For some reason, her name doesn't roll off my tongue. One day we went to a church picnic and I sat by her and visited with her the entire time. While I was talking with her, I kept saying her name over and over in my mind so that I would remember it. The other night at the "trunk or treat", she came up to me and my mind went blank! I couldn't think of her name no matter how much I tried! I asked my husband and he couldn't remember it either. I asked 2 more people and they couldn't remember it either. Finally I asked one more person and not only did she tell me her name, she gave me a way to remember it. Whew!
But my name retardation didn't stop there. I have a new girl in my seminary class that is named Madeline. For some reason, I always want to call her Matilda. Every time I go to call on her, I have to mentally think of my grand-niece in order to remember the right name! I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm really not senile, and I really do care about knowing their names. I guess I'm going to have to come up with some kind of better memorization technique!


Nene said...

Well, if you ever find a good way to remember names, let me know. I'm as name retarded as you are. Must run in the family. :0+ And since we got back from Ireland, I have to re-remember everyone's name at church. Holy cow.

Ramana Rajgopaul said...

Welcome to humanity Delirious. I think all of us have this problem to some degree or the other. I like your use of name retardation for the condition.

Mr. Giggles said...

Seating charts. We all need them. I can't remember names unless I see them written down, so I use seating charts to help me learn them. Now if we only had seating charts in church, at the grocery store, etc.!

Amber said...

I've heard that a good way to remember names is match their name with something about them, like a rhyme or something, like Brown Eyes Betty, Moody Madeline, etc.

Inklings said...

I have trouble with names, too. It's my main memory problem, which makes me annoyed at myself, because people are important to me.

Marla said...

I have the same brain drain. I am sure people get tired of hearing me say, "Well hey you! How are ya?"