Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Mothers Have Eyes in the Back of Their Heads

I got a picture from my son who is serving a mission in El Salvador. One look told me that he isn't eating right. He looks thin in this picture. I have preached to him about eating right, but I don't know how much of it sunk in. He's going to be getting a letter from me chastizing him for not eating right. And I'm going to give him suggestions for things that don't take long to cook, but that have more food value than ramen noodles. I hate ramen noodles. They have a lot of sodium in them, but not much other food value. If you go down the list of vitamins and such on the package, you see a big fat 0 next to most of it. Actually, if he would throw in some vegetables, and a little meat or egg, it wouldn't be so bad. Doesn't he know that mothers have eyes in the back of their heads and can see their child, even if they are clear down in central America?


Nene said...

I thought the same thing (that he looks thin) and I'm not even his mother. :0)

Amber said...

his face does look pretty skinny! maybe he needs more recipes

Inklings said...

He does look really thin!

Marla said...

How proud you must be of him... skinny or not.