Monday, June 28, 2010

A Day in the Life: Morning.

3:00 am: Husband got up and showered
3:30 am: I woke up fully and got up to wake up my son.
3:50 am: Husband and son left for a week long scout camp
4:20-ish am: I finally got back to sleep
4:30 am: The alarm woke me up so I could get my other son up.
4:40 am: My son called up the stairs that he was ready to leave.
4:50 am: Dropped my son off at the church
5:15 am: Said goodbye to my son who is going to a different week long scout camp.
5:30 am: Arrived back home.
6:03 am: Still awake.....(hopefully not for long)


Amber said...

sounds like that day needs a nap added to it LOL

Nene said...

Ah, but think of the quiet and solitude you'll have this week with them gone! :0) Sleep in every day!