Monday, July 14, 2008

Empty Nest Syndrome

My two oldest boys are on a scout trip this week. They are doing a 50 miler kayak trip. I have to say that I have a very deep fear of deep water, so the thought of them kayaking is frightening for me. I have to continually squelch the panic. But at the same time, I am so happy that they have this opportunity to go, and I know this will be a great life long memory for them.

It is very odd to only have one child at home though. It's much quieter, and also more work because there are less hands to help out. I do have to admit that I don't miss all of the teasing. But I am getting a glimpse of how it will be when they have flown the nest.


Native Minnow said...

That kayaking trip sounds like a lot of fun.

Max Coutinho said...

Hey D!

Your kids will be fine! God will be watching over them, I am sure!

About the house being so is odd but at the same time it is restful, right?

Aah, get used to it, cause when they leave home it will be like this's the natural life cycle, my friend :)!


Looney said...

We postponed empty nest for a few years by borrowing some nephews. I wasn't ready for it then, but now it is gradually becoming more appealing.

Becky said...

Following links from other blogs, I found yours! It'll be nice to check in with your family more often than once a year. Sounds like you're doing great! Michelle and I LOVED our week of quiet when the boys were gone last month. Hope you're enjoying yours.