Thursday, February 08, 2007

Wisdom Teeth

My brother posted on his blog about his daughter getting out her wisdom teeth yesterday. Reading that brought back a flood of memories, in particular a memory of something funny that happened when I had mine out.

When I came out from the anesthesia, I felt really engergized. That could have been because of the drugs, or it could have been because I had just had a nap. Either way, I felt really engergetic. The nurse wanted me to lie down, but I really just wanted to get going. She took me over to this couch and told me to lie down. I layed there for a minute, but just felt good, so sat up. There was another girl across from me laying on another couch. I began to chatter away to her. I was joking and smiling, telling her how I felt really good and I didn't want to lay down. She just stared. Actually, now that I think about it, it was more than a stare. She looked at me with dislike.

My Dad came to get me then, so I left without thinking anything more about it. We drove straight to the pharmacy to pick up my pain medicines. While my Dad went in, I stayed in the car. I flipped down the mirror on the visor and looked to see what my mouth looked like after the surgery. What I saw first however was that my teeth were covered in dried blood!! I looked like something out of a horror movie! Suddenly the girl's look of repulsion made sense.


PsychDoctor said...

Did anyone get drysocket like me? Ouch....

Delirious said...

Ugh, yes, I got that. I also had a reaction to the morphine they gave me. Turns out I'm very allergic.

deputymomof6 said...

I looked like I had been in a fight and lost it horribly. It was awful.