Sunday, February 11, 2007

A Little Change Will Do you Good

I heard an interesting analogy today about changing our lives. Sometimes we have something in our life that we know we need to change, but we are reluctant to change. A teacher today related an analogy about how she makes home made baby food from fresh fruits and vegetables. She takes pears and cuts them up and mashes them, then freezes them to be used when her baby needs baby food. She said that sometimes she leaves a pear sitting out too long and it gets bad spots on it. Most of the pear is good, so she hates to discard the whole thing, so she cuts away just the bad part, and keeps the rest. She likened this to how we sometimes hang on to behavior we know we shouldn't. We enjoy the behavior to a degree, so try to cut away as little as possible without getting rid of it all together. But some behaviors we have to completely rid ourselves of in order to change. If a person is an alcoholic and goes through rehabilitation, but then goes home and hangs out with their same drinking buddies, and lives next door to their favorite pub, chances are they won't be able to rid themselves of their addiction. The teacher also brought up a saying Dr. Phil uses alot that is that we need to put ourselves in an environment for success. If we keep the old ways, we won't be able to give up the old habits. Sometimes the pear is rotten to the core.


PsychDoctor said...

I completely drug rehab, people come in the first time willing to change a few things...the next time, they are willing to swallow their pride and change a few more...and after repeated attempts, finally rid their lives of what they need to in order to stay clean. I feel bad for those who are never able to let go of all they need to...

PsychDoctor said...

Of course, it isn't just ridding their lives of bad things, but learning to replace the bad with positive things that actually makes sobriety work...