Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Aging Gracefully

My Dad writes regular letters to the family. He photocopies his letters and sends the same one to everyone. Our whole family does this, have done it for years. I got a letter from him today. I actually got a sneak preview on my nieces' blog. (two of them share one). He said that my 81 year old mother and her sister who is in her 70's went sledding down my Aunt's hill! My mother is very fit and limber..more like someone in their 60's. Still, it is quite shocking to think of her sledding! My Dad warned them that if they sledded, the newspaper would come out and do a story on them. Well, the newspaper didn't come out, but all the neighborhood kids did and joined them. Maybe this is the kind of thing that keeps my mother young.


Inklings said...

..and the rest of us old worrying about her. :0)

Lindsay Logic said...

When I read the family letter, I smiled. It actually made me excited to get old. :)


PsychDoctor said...

I'm not excited to get old, but I hope I am able to be active like that when I am old...

deputymomof6 said...

That is so cool, I hope that I am that fun when I am older!!