Tuesday, September 06, 2011


If you have a loved one who is getting ready to travel half way around the world by airplane, then I seriously recommend that you do not watch all of the 9/11 shows like I did this weekend. I actually loved the programs, but with a husband boarding a plane for China today, the last thing I needed to think about was terrorists hi-jacking airplanes! I told my husband about the shows I had recorded, and when he couldn't sleep last night, he watched them too. He had dreams all night about planes crashing. I guess it wasn't any better for him to watch than me.

You know what else makes you nervous? When your missionary son writes that he hasn't been feeling well because the medication he has taken for the "bugs" in his stomach has been a little too strong. And then he sends a picture like the one below.....


Rummuser said...

You don't need to travel by plane to be exposed to terror. Have a look at the latest at our capital Delhi.

Maria from SilverFox said...

I have to admit watching 9/11 films before travelling or having a loved one travel is not a good idea. No wonder neither of you are able to sleep.

I am sending good thoughts for a safe trip for your husband and good health for your son.

Keep us posted.

Grannymar said...

I think I would have hit the off button.

For many years after I married and came to live here in Northern Ireland, I would not listen to the news while Jack was at work. Bombs and shootings were the daily diet on the news programmes He travelled all over the 6 counties and I did not always know where he was. There were days when I worried unnecessarily, so decided that silence was the way to go.

Sandy@American Way Farm said...

Nope, definitely not a good time to be watching disaster shows. And that picture of your son and the bug - ewww!