Monday, August 29, 2011

Free Books and Selective Censorship

I had to go to the Bishop's storehouse today to pick up a food order for a family, so I decided to go back to the Pleasant Hill library for their free book fair. I took a friend with me, and you can see her in the picture below. It wasn't as hot this time, so I was able to focus a little more, and got some good books.

Confession time. My husband and I each found an anti-mormon book. We each took them, and we each are throwing them away. You can call it selective censorship. :) We know for a fact that both of these books contain half truths, and in some cases complete lies. I can't pull them from the library shelves, but I sure can pull them from the free book pile. :P

So here is a list of what I got for free. I just grabbed ones that caught my interest, and a few of them I grabbed because they had been recommended to me. Most of these are hard bound. Oh, and Looney, I actually looked, but did not see Euclid's Elements. :)

--National Audubon Society Book of Wild Birds
--The Incas and Their Ancestors by Michael Moseley
--Q is For Quarry by Sue Grafton
--L is for Lawless by Sue Grafton
--P is for Peril by Sue Grafton (These were recommended by Inklings and Nene)
--A Treasurey of Great Russian Short Stories Pushkin to Gorky Edited by Avrahm Yarmolinsky
--Captain Cook by Alistair MacLean
--The ABC's of Handwriting Analysis by Claude Santoy (one of my hobbies)
--Columbus by Felipe Fernandez Armesto
--Lost by Michael Robotham (suspense novel)
--Trapped by Michael Northrop
--JOhn Donne's Poetry Selected and Edited by A.L. Clements
--To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (I may already have a copy, but grabbed it just in case)
And I got these cassette tapes:
--Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK ROwling
--Field Guide to Bird Songs Western Region by Kevin J. Colver with Donald and Lillian STokes (I got this for my bird loving neighbor)
--Dave Barry Talks Back (read by ARte JOhnson)
--William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet, a full-cast performance featureing Claire Bloom, Albert Finney, and others
I also got the video: Experience Alaska
I haven't looked much at my husband's box, but he and I both grabbed a couple of cassette books about learning Korean and Cantonese. :)

For those of you who live in the Bay area, I heard that Dublin will also be having one of these free book fairs soon. It's a fun time! Make the effort to go!


Nene said...

I love book sales! Especially Library sales! You got some great books!

Grannymar said...

That I take it is your Dublin and not Dublin, Ireland! LOL The whole idea sounds interesting.

Will Knott said...

Rats, you had my hopes up for a moment. Having said that, I know I have a whole bunch of books that I know I will never read. Should there be a bookcrossing series for the LBC?