Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Tips from "Never Bored"

My friend Becky, from "Never Bored", shared a really great tip with me on her blog. She taught me that you can actually set your blog to post at a particular time. I share this in particular with my fellow Consortium blogger friends. If you know that you are going to be out of town on Friday when we typically post for the consortium, you can write it ahead of time and use the "post options" to set the time and date that you would like blogger to post your blog.

So thanks Becky for the great tip! And if you click the link above, you can get some great summer dessert recipes from her! :)


Nene said...

I never knew that! Thanks! This little tidbit of information could come in really handy! :0)

Dee Ice Hole said...

MJ does that all the time :0)

Becky said...

Glad the tip helped! It definitely helps me, and lets me feel my blog isn't being totally ignored while the rest of life swirls around so busily!

Grannymar said...

Post dating is indeed very helpful. I use it most of the time. right now I have about eleven posts 'ready to go' with dates and times that range from today right through to next March!

I have been away from home since last Tuesday so prepared posts over the weekend to cover most days including my LBC post for this afternoon (my time). It means that when inspiration strikes, I can go ahead and write on whatever the topic is and add it into the list.

You know that you can also go back to a scheduled post and make adjustments to the body text, or reschedule it to another date if needed. Very handy.