Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but luckily not this time. This morning I was out mowing the front lawn, and suddenly noticed my dog running down the street. She loves to "fence fight", and ran to the neighbor's garage to bark at her dogs that spend the day in the garage. I ran over to get her, and in the process sprained my ankle. :S

I knew I had kind of sprained it, and at the time I thought, "Wow, this is a bad sprain." But I was able to continue walking okay, and I resumed my day as normal. I even went out to Costco and walked all around! Then I went to go pick up my son from school, and all the way there my foot began hurting more and more. I actually began to think it was broken. After I picked him up, I headed straight for Kaiser, and had him get me a wheel chair. They took x-rays, and thankfully it isn't broken, but it is a severe sprain.

So now I'm in a walking boot with crutches for two weeks. :S I'm not complaining though. I'm just thrilled it isn't broken!!


Grannymar said...

Nasty. I am glad it is not6 broken too. Try to take it easy and let others do the running for you.

Rummuser said...

Phew! Here is wishing you a comfortabel time and quick recovery.

Dee Ice Hole said...
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Nene said...

Now you can go read all the books you've been wanting to read and watch all the movies you've been wanting to watch - just take it easy for 2 weeks!

Becky said...

Oh my goodness! I wonder if it's a necessary part of the Relief Society President's calling. Our RS Pres broke her leg a few months ago. She just started walking on it this week. Glad yours is just a sprain!

Inklings said...

I'm glad it is just a sprain, too, and hope it mends quickly.