Thursday, May 26, 2011

Friday Loose Bloggers Consortium: Synchronicity

I suggested this topic because it seems it has been happening so much lately! Some might call it coincidence, but I have experienced it at times when it has been more than coincidence. Here is a definition for synchronicity from "an apparently meaningful coincidence in time of two or more similar or identical events that are causally unrelated"

Let me tell you of something that happened to me many years ago that fits this definition. I had been married only about 7 years, and had 3 children. I was having trouble organizing some things in my house, and decided to try to find a "secretary" which is a sort of dresser with a pull down cabinet that can be used as a table for writing. Here is an example picture:

We didn't have much money, so I began to go regularly to the local thrift store, and to look at garage sales. I searched high and low for a secretary. It occupied my mind for much of my time. I felt driven to find one! After searching for awhile, I finally kind of gave up the effort, and hoped that some day I would find one. About that time, my in laws came to visit. My mother in law said, "Oh, I have something that I bought for you if you would like it." I followed her out to their van, and in the back was a beautiful, used secretary! I couldn't believe my eyes! I had been searching for so long!

So I ask you, readers, was this just mere coincidence? Was it just two events that occurred simultaneously, that were causally unrelated? I certainly never mentioned to her that I was looking for one. What do you think about this synchronicity?
Now go check out what the other consortium members have to say about this issue!


Grannymar said...

My daddy had a desk like that. It held many treasures over the years. I think one of my brothers has it now. I like the way it came to you. It was meant to be.

Rummuser said...

Yes, synchronicity is precisely what Grannymar says. It is meant to be.

Inklings said...

I own a similar one, also, and I agree with the others, I think it is meant to be.
Actually, I will go a bit further and say I think it is the Hand of God in our lives. He blesses us in big ways and He also blesses us in small ways.

Conrad said...

Delirious, it happens a lot, doesn't it? I also think it was meant to be. I also think that is really the way everything happens in its own way.

padmum said...

Bingo Delirious! It happens to me all the time...especially with people who are close to me.

I have a modern version of this and having been under French influence we call it an escritore in my home. Really useful piece of furniture.

Looney said...

Recently synchronicity has been a case of me wanting to speak to someone, and then they call me out of the blue about something, but then can't remember why they called. At that point I inform them of why they called. It is a very efficient way to do things.

Do you still use the secretary?

Delirious said...

Looney, that happens to me too! I have a friend who lives in the upper parts of California. Whenever I start thinking about her, she calls me!

I have the secretary, but I haven't been putting it to good use. After I wrote this post, I started thinking of a great use for it. So I'm going to do a little cleaning out, and make it mission central for all of my Relief Society things. :)

Delirious said...

Inklings, I agree, and in fact, I often think of the scripture in the Doctrine and Covenants that says, "And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments." D&C 59:21

Ashok said...

As I had mentioned in my blog, I think there is a sort of coordinating force that we are not aware of which is constantly at work. We might not see it, but its at work. An excellent example of synchronicity in your post.

Anonymous said...

Something that goes hand-in-hand with what you've written is the idea of letting it go! What I like to call the que sera, sera principle.

Just as you had given up, or let go, it came to you! :)

Delirious said...

You are so right Marianna, and I think this works well with money. Money analysts will tell you that if you give of your money, more will come back to you. I think that happens in many aspects of our lives.

Nene said...

This is an interesting subject and I often wonder about these things.

I didn't get to read this yesterday because I'm in Twist's town for the wedding - it was beautiful!