Friday, August 27, 2010

Flying the Coop

We are taking my daughter to the missionary training center. She reports September 1. My husband has been moaning saying that this is the last time she will ever live at our house. I told him that according to what most parents say, your children always come back. However, I never did go back home after I got married. But hopefully we will have her and my oldest son back for a few months anyway after their missions. They will get home the same month!

I felt that we should stop and see both sets of grandparents on our way to Utah. My parents are getting older, and at their age, 18 months is a long time, and we don't know if they will be around when she gets back. My husband's mother and husband are younger, but there are no guarantees, right? So I'm glad we are going to take the extra time and mileage to stop in and see them both.

It's going to be weird to only have 2 kids at home again. But that will give us more quality time with them, right? Pretty soon it will be just me and my husband sitting with our dog and cat, pretending they are our children. ;)


Lehis said...

Wow... very exciting. You guys are so great... and your kids are great too. Miss everyone in Antioch!

Sandy@American Way Farm said...

It's been my experience that they do come home again - sometimes between apartments/homes, sometimes between marriages with kids in tow. Stopping to see grandparents is a wonderful idea. While my son was in the Navy my father died, and my mother died while he was on his mission. Both times, however, he had said his good-byes before he went away because they were much older. Blessings on your family and especially on your missionary children. Where are they serving?

Becky said...

You'll have a wonderful experience. Travel safely!

Delirious said...

Sandy, my son is serving in El Salvador, and my daughter will be serving in the Taiwan, Tai Jung mission, the same mission in which her father served. I served in Taiwan also, but in the northern mission. :)

Joanne said...

It has been wonderful to learn how to blog and get the help you gave me in setting up my own blob while you were here.

Ramana Rajgopaul said...

You will be alright. When our one and only left first to go to boarding school, it took us a while to get used to being without him but we discovered each other. As an adult when he moved to another city to work, the same thing happened again. He came back eventually and has been with us on and off and now I am alone and am confident that I can manage if he goes off again.

Max Coutinho said...

Hey D,

Aah, all parents go through this dilemma. Although they know their kids must move on, their heart is always left with that void. I think you guys (parents) adore having your children around....always lol lol! ;)

You do well to visit your parents and in-laws: time is short! Plus, now you know how they felt...

Have fun!
