This is an old picture that I posted before, but since I didn't take my camera today, I decided to post it again.
It warmed up quite a bit yesterday, and actually got kind of hot. There was still a slight breeze, but by about 4:30 we were sweating. This morning felt warm too, so I decided that I wanted to walk the dog down by the Delta. There is a slight hill that I go over on my way down to the water. (Actually, I guess it's one very long gradual hill. The missionaries might disagree with my description and call it "hernia hill" or something. :) As I drove over the crest of the hill, I immediately noticed a temperature drop! There are advantages to living where I live, but for a slight moment I wished I lived nearer to the water.
Just as I thought, the breeze at the Marina was much cooler than the one by my house. It actually made my walk really pleasant. It's kind of fun to see the yachts and the water too.
Next to the Marina is a wildlife preserve owned by DOW chemical. It's kind of a marshy place with....hmmm... what do you call those? I always heard them called something like "Toolies". In fact, you can't even see the wildlife because the growth is so tall there. The first time I went there I took my camera hoping to get some pictures of water fowl. But I couldn't even see because of the growth. I should have had my camera with me today because as I was walking on the sidewalk that passes the preserve, a crawdad came walking across the sidewalk! At least he was headed in the right direction; toward the water where the boats are moored. Sally about went crazy from excitement! Man, did she want to catch that crawdad!
I'm not looking forward to the heat of this summer. If I had any sense, I'd move to where Looney lives. Wait...I should make that, "If I had any sense, and any money..."
are there tide pools on that beach? I think it would be so fun to walk on a beach every day, just for all the cool stuff and animals that wash up on the sand :)
Amber, the water in the Delta is fresh water from the mountains. It flows out to the ocean. So we don't get waves like you do on the ocean, and it doesn't have salt water animal life. But if you ever want to come out to visit, I'll take you to some tide pools by the ocean! :)
I can't afford to move here either anymore, but thankfully I bought a long time ago!
sorry I cant view the image here;
so many sites are blocked nowadays and now this too:(
谢谢您的評論。 我不很好讀並且不写中文,但是我可以使用一個網上譯者。
The pictures you post are usually so pretty. I keep wanting to make a visit to that area. Someday.
All of you nieces and nephews need to come!
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