All this doll talk on my sister's and niece's blogs made me want to start up a project I've been neglecting for a long time. I found this doll house at a garage sale and decided to salvage it. The only thing I've done so far is clean it. I'm going to repaint the outside because I don't like these colors. For me, the fun is making it, not playing with case you were worried. ;) But I think my Kelly dolls will fit in here. I need furniture, but I thought maybe when I go looking for valuable art at thrift stores I can look for furniture too. lol

That's a cute dollhouse! It will be fun to re-create!
oooo how fun! I love that it's so bare, there's so much potential for different things you could do! I hope you do wallpaper, that's always my favorite in dollhouses! And you could even paint little rugs onto the floors!
It's really cute!
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