Sunday, August 18, 2013

Wedding Bliss

I just returned home from the States, and found myself awake by 2:30 in the morning.  Such is the effect of jet lag.  But on the bright side, I have plenty of computer time.  So here are a few pictures of the wedding of my daughter. 


And one final picture that is perhaps my favorte of all:


Looney said...

They look to be having fun. Hopefully the sleeplessness isn't due to the wedding!

Grannymar said...

Welcome back!

Great photos of the special day. Thanks for sharing them.

Amber said...

I hope this is the first of many wedding posts, we need more pictures and all the stories ;)

Rummuser said...

Great pics. Yes, the last one is perfect.

Inklings said...

I loved seeing these - thanks for posting them. I hope you get over your jet lag soon!

dixiegrandma said...

I enjoyed these pictures as a reminder of the very enjoyable experiences I had that day. I especially enjoyed seeing the camaraderie between the three "brothers" as they showed off for the camera and just had some fun together. Also, the bride and groom seemed so happy together. The attention to detail and the comfort of the family and guests was much appreciated because it made it possible to just relax and enjoy this special life event. As parents you can be very pleased with your daughter and her choices.