Thursday, December 13, 2012

Friday Loose Bloggers Consortium: Risk

If you have followed my blog for awhile, you will know that I have a hobby of handwriting analysis.  Don't cringe, it's not fortune telling.  Handwriting analysis shows that people's personality traits show in their handwriting.  We all had the same handwriting classes when we were young, but we don't write the same.  We develop certain characteristics because of our own personality.  I have seen these handwriting qualities s to be consistent with the traits of people I know.  Also, companies in Europe use handwriting analysis in their hiring process.  If you have never looked in to it before, you should because there is really something to this study.

One of the traits that you can see in handwriting shows that a person is a risk taker.  People who are risk takers usually write all the way to the edge of the paper.  People who are not risk takers leave a margin on the right.   I notice that my own handwriting does tend to show risk taker qualities.  I will admit that my husband is more of a risk taker than me, but it's a good thing that I have some of that quality so that I could support him in some of his "risks".

We have several couples here in Wuhan that took a risk to come here to teach English.  It's a risk because they didn't really know what their living conditions would be like, and they didn't know much about the people that hired them.  As it has turned out, some of them have had a great experience, and some of them have not.  Some of the couples have had great living conditions, and have been paid well.  One couple wasn't so lucky.  The husband is ethnically chinese, although he was born in the United States.  The company that hired him began to refuse to pay him foreigner wages after he got here.  Then his wife experienced bad working conditions.  Overall, it was a miserable experience for them, and they ended up quitting their job, and just returned to the States last week.

But really, what was the consequence of the risk that couple took?  The consequence was that they ended up having to go home.  I don't think they really suffered financially for the experience.  But they did get to live in China for a few short months.  The man's family was from this city originally, so he was able to meet up with relatives that still live here.  Overall, I think coming here was a good thing for them, even though the employment aspect wasn't good.  Was it worth the risk?  You would have to ask them, but I think that if I were in their shoes, I would have to say yes.

And here I am in a similar position. It is a risk to make the move that my husband and I have made.  It is a risk to rent out our house while we are gone.  It is a risk to take this big business leap.  But one thing I have learned is that if you let your fears control you, you lose a lot of opportunities that you might have been able to enjoy.  We can't live our life in fear.  Sometimes we just have to take a risk.

Check out the risky behavior of the other consortium members.  ;)
RummuserAnuAshkokGaelikkaGrannymarPadmumMagpie11, andAkanksha,Will KnotMaria the Silver FoxAnkiNema Noor Paul Plain Joe, and Rohit, Black watertownThe Old Fossil, our newest member MAXI! and last, but not least SHACKMAN! :)


Grannymar said...

Yup! Everything we do in life is a risk. Far better than sitting in a corner waiting for death.

Now to risk the hurdle that should prove I'm not a robot. It looks particularly ugly this morning and I have changed it four times!

Maria said...

I wrote a message to a friend of mine with my left hand once for a joke. I'm not ambidextrous by the way. Her husband, a doctor, has done some handwriting analysis and he got a shock when he saw the not. He told her that the person who had written the note was obviously schizophrenic. Who knows, perhaps he was right.

Rummuser said...

Within my family and circle of friends, I am known as a big risk taker. I however think that I am not as in retrospect, what most people thought were risky decisions that I took like my marriage, quitting jobs to take up new ones, etc were all done through events that overtook me all the time. I honestly believe that I just flowed with life as it happened to me but the outsider's perception is totally different! Isn't that weird?

Maria from Silver Fox said...

One of my most exciting times was living in Europe. Leaving home in Minnesota was a big risk, but well worth it.

I totally admire your risk-taking and I am so happy that it turns out to be a good place for you to be.

As to handwriting, I think years of teaching handwriting has taken its toll on expressing my true personality. I leave margins and still try to make every thing perfect. This is not who I am!

Inklings said...

I don't believe that I am a risk taker. What does my handwriting show? :) And sometimes I wonder if I am a robot, as many times as I have to retype the password.

Maxi said...

You're a brave soul, D. I have been to other countries and couldn't wait to get back to America. There is no place like home.

The best of luck to you and your husband in this venture.

Blessings ~ Maxi

Looney said...

My overseas work has mostly been cozy and secure. As with your friends who just returned to the US, we always have a chance to return to a comfortable living here if things don't work out.

So it is hard to remember ever taking a risk.

Anonymous said...

I think you're right about your colleague. Overall it can be seen as a positive learning experience, given the right attitude.
When I have worked abroad things have not always gone as planned - but they've always been interesting.