Friday, September 30, 2011

Time Travel

I just heard on the radio this morning that there is a seller on ebay who has "proof" that John Travolta has been travelling through time. I guess the fact that John Travolta is a Christian Scientist only adds to the mystic possibility of his time travel. I googled the information and found the picture below. What do you think? Has John been holding out on us? :)


Nene said...

Didn't you see the one they had about Nicholaus Cage? Same thing. Kind of creeps you out to think that somewhere out there, there might be a picture of someone who lived before us, who looks just like us. :0+

Inklings said...

There are. They're called ancestors. :0)

Max Coutinho said...

Oh my God! are we sure this is not a stunt?

Anyway, if it is not...then we must say that this may prove reincarnation...
