Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Funny Bone Misalignment

When I was a kid, I had a weird white patch on my abdomen. I asked my mother about it, and she told me it was "Dirtification setting in." I was so proud of my special disease that I proudly told all of my friends that I had "Dirtification", and often showed them the proof.

As an adult, one time I went to the dermatologist and while I was there they asked if I would like a "whole body check". I figured I might as well since it was free. I love free. The doctor noticed the white patch, and that I had also acquired some brown patches as well. He said, "Hmmm, these are interesting. They could be indicative of a condition we see." But he didn't explain any further, and I was too embarassed to ask. But I told him what my mother had told me, and how I had told all my friends about my dirtification. He gave me a blank stare, and there was silence. That humorous little anecdote fell flat.

Today I had to go back to the dermatologist to have a skin check. The nurse asked if there was anything else I would like the doctor to look at. I remembered that I never got an explanation from the previous doctor, so told her I would like him to look at those patches. As he was looking at them, I explained once again that my mother called it "dirtification". (Insert blank stares and silence followed by crickets chirping here...) The doctor said, "Oh I see, that was a little word she came up with. Alright." .....(more silence).

Part of me wonders if my funny bone is out of whack. Or maybe dermatologists inhale too many chemicals in their work. I'm 0 for 2. I think I'll stop passing on my mother's wit...


Nene said...

When I was a RS Pres, I had a bishop that was that way. You'd crack a joke and he'd just stare at you. One day I cracked a joke and he just sat there so I said, "Bishop, that's called 'humor'" and laughed. That's when he finally laughed.

Looney said...

I got a little giggle out of it, so it wasn't totally a lost cause!

Amber said...

lol i think he's just too boring, his funny bone definitely needs alignment - so what were they anyway? I'm curious and nosy!

Delirious said...

He said it was probably scarring from a rash in the past. :)

Dee Ice Hole said...

or---dirtification setting in ;-)

Marla said...

Ok, that is funny. I love when this happens. Seriously. Bob always introduces me to people as his first wife. They never get it. lol