We are in the middle of having our bathroom remodeled. Years ago, my son was taking a shower and leaned his hand up against the wall. The wall crumbled beneath it and we realized that we had some water damage. We hired someone to come in and fix the damage. He started to fix it, but then flaked out on us and stopped coming. He even left his tools and never came back. I left word for him to come get his tools, but he never did. We have tried over the years to find someone to fix our shower, but everytime someone came to give an estimate, and said they would like to do the work, they never followed through. We sort of got frustrated and gave up. But now we are ready to get it fixed.
I have to admit though that it is scary to see things being carted out of my bathroom. It's pretty much gutted at this point. We decided to replace the cupboards since these are shot, and we decided that the bathtub is old enough that if we don't replace it now, we will end up having to have tiling fixed later if we have to replace it later. So we are just putting in a new one now. But it sure is scary to see it all gutted like this. I guess I'm committed to this remodel now though.
I'd say with the way it looks there isn't much choice but to go with it. I'm sure it will turn out looking great!
Did you ever take a picture before they started? Or do you have an old picture? I thought I remembered you showing one onetime. Anyway, it would be cool to see "before" and "after".
That's our next project too! Wayne's doing it himself, and he wishes it was demolished by now, but the calendar keeps getting filled up. I suspect it's going to be a LONG process!
hopefully this new contractor is much better, it'll be so fun to have a nice new bathroom I bet!!
One thing most people learn about contractors, there rather unreliable. Almost everyone I've talked to that has hired one agrees on that. So long as you stay on them to do the work, things should get done. Not always done well, but it's better then bare walls.
It is a mess to have to go through, but it will be wonderful for you when it is finished.
I had a similar experience with one of out bathrooms. It turned out that the pipes buried inside had corroded and were leaking. We had to completely remove all the tiles, put in completely new plumbing and fittings and new tiles and a completed repaint job. Three experts came, gave estimates and disappeared before we found one contractor who did it at a considerable cost. I suspect that the job is so tedious, even at high fees, contractors do not like to undertake the job.
I wish we lived closer, my husband does bathroom remodels a lot. :) They're tedious for him, but he can do them within a week and get paid quickly. You'll love the new bathroom! I can't wait to see it!
Except mine. lol He doesn't want to do mine, for some weird reason. (Maybe it has to do with not getting paid at home? lol)
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