Monday, April 07, 2008

Sibling Fighting

I'm about to strangle my teenagers today. They have been fighting over some stupid thing, and plotting revenge. So far they have stopped short of physical violence, I think because I threatened them within an inch of their lives if they hurt each other. Something happens to me when my kids fight. The adrenaline kicks in, and I become something superhuman. I think I have always been this way. Even as a child, if bullies picked on smaller kids, I became enraged and went in to protection mode. But I especially won't tolerate fighting among my kids. Usually if they start to physically fight, I use a well placed pinch to "guide" them to another room. I think what really gives me strength is that my kids rarely see me that mad, so they know they better knock it off because they aren't sure how mad I will get. Usually I can threaten them with doing chores, or grounding them from privileges, and that seems to help, but for some reason that wasn't doing the trick today. The worst part is, I know something is still brewing.....


deputymomof6 said...

I hate it when my kids fight too, which is a lot!! And I particularly hate it when my older ones yell at my younger ones. I remind them that I had patience with them when they were that young, and they need to show some.

Inklings said...

That is one of my stressors, too! I hate it.

Nene said...

And it doesn't stop when they grow up and get married.Well, maybe the punching does. :0}

Max Coutinho said...


Oooh, I still remember my fights with my brother *nodding*! They were nasty, so you are right: they are plotting (specially if they are too quiet) and getting ready to act lol!

You remind me of my mom, she also used to get in a "mom's mad" mode and solve the issue at hand quite efficiently look from that lady and we would freeze!

But everything will be alright in the end, it always does :D!


PsychDoctor said...

Conflict is draining...