Friday, September 21, 2007


I was surfing blogs one day and ran across the photo blog of Othersideblue who lives in Iran. He had posted a picture of his kitchen. I really like to see how people in different parts of the world live, but seeing the kitchen especially made it seem more real to me. I decided I wanted to post a picture of my kitchen too. This may seem kind of weird, but I would like to see some of your kitchens as well.


Othersideblue said...

see i am an early riser, early morning here in my place now, am viewing your blog and to my surprise I see you have thought of me posting your Lovely kitchen picture,I am delighted, thank you

I too love your kitchen! feeling the cleanliness and the good taste and the warm heart of it's owner :)

mindy said...

man, I wish my kitchen looked that uncluttered. Hm. Maybe I should go clean it.